Company Info|Company Profile / Greeting

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  • Company Info|Company Profile / Greeting


Thank you for viewing the company profile of Sanko. Please refer to this page for information on the location of our head office, access to our locations, and contact e-mail address.

We would also be happy if you could read the message from our President. The greeting also contains introduction to the concept of "three seeds of happiness," which is the origin of the company name, and our corporate philosophy since the foundation in 1962.

Company Profile

Company name
SANKO Corporation
Date founded
March 1, 1962
Date established
April 1, 1967
Futoki Kakutani
Capital amount
JPY 95 million
Number of employees
138 (including affiliated companies, as of April 2022)

<Wakayama Head Office>
715 Ononaka, Kainan City, Wakayama 642-0022

<Distribution Center>
1440-1 Sakai, Kainan City, Wakayama 642-0024Google Map
<Tokyo I.O.C.>
4-10-4 Minamikasai, Edogawa City, Tokyo 134-0085 Google Map
<Planning & Development Department Osaka Office>
Honmachi Eight Bldg. 2nd Floor, 3-3-22 Minamihonmachi, Chuo-ku, Osaka 541-0054

Business Description
Manufacture of lifestyle supporting goods
We respond to customers' needs by taking their opinions seriously and utilizing them for planning and development of products to be useful in every aspect of their living. Our original lifestyle supporting goods are manufactured in Japan. We provide and sell products that customers can use comfortably and safely.
<Major product categories>
Toiletries, Bathroom accessories, Laundry goods, Pet supplies, Emergency supplies, Senior items, Kitchenware, Livingware, Professional use, etc.
<Sanko representative series>
"Okudake Kyutyaku®"Series
"Bikkuri Fresh®" Series
Major Customers
Kawataki Corporation, Amazon Japan G.K., Lovely Pet Trading Co., Ltd., Kohnan Shoji Co., Ltd., Hands Inc., SENSHUKAI Co., Ltd., Jupiter Shop Channel Co., Ltd., Japanese Consumers’ Co-operative Union (JCCU)

Group Companies

Company name
SANKO PM Co., Ltd.
Masafumi Yamasaki
Capital amount
JPY 10 million
<Kishiwada Factory>
94 Imakicho, Kishiwada City, Osaka 596-0804 Google Map
<Kainan Factory>
53-4 Asso, Kainan City, Wakayama 642-0015 Google Map
Business Description
Manufacturing Department of Sanko

Greeting from the President


First of all, let me express my sincere gratitude to our customers, subcontracting companies, and the local community for their unwavering kindness and support. We are engaged in development, manufacture, and sale of household items with the head office located in Kainan City, Wakayama Prefecture.
Since our foundation in 1962, we have been operating our business based on the corporate philosophy of "enriching people's hearts" and the concept of "three seeds of happiness", which is the origin of the company name. Namely, our focus is on the prosperity of our customers, subcontracting companies, and ourselves together.
In the midst of dizzying changes in society such as globalization, declining birthrate/aging population, advancement of information technology, and the COVID-19 crisis, all of our employees are united in challenging ourselves to think and act in response to such changes.
Our aim is to provide value beyond customer satisfaction through the development, manufacture, and sale of heartfelt products, and to be of service to our customers. As a member of the local community, we are committed to fulfilling our social responsibilities and making tireless efforts to contribute to the development of the region.
We would greatly appreciate your continued support and further patronage.

